This Is Happening

That yellow thing is the book...

That yellow thing is the book...

So Robert and I wrapped our final day of recording our audio book version of Adult Stuff for and my god, it was so much fun. 

Finally able to record in a room big enough for my head.

Finally able to record in a room big enough for my head.

Matt Moore, enjoying life to the MAX.

Matt Moore, enjoying life to the MAX.

I think you guys are really going to enjoy this book. Even though we've been working on it for what feels like an eternity, Robert and I still manage to laugh at a lot of the jokes which I think is a good sign. In any event, this whole process was a new, challenging, and exciting experience that I'll cherish. And, I mean, we got paid to hang out in this ballin' studio and goof off on a microphone today which is pretty cool.

Look for the Adult Stuff audio book on and on bookshelves April 5th!

Better believe we played with this microphone thing...

Better believe we played with this microphone thing...

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