Posts tagged Show Biz

On Wednesday I'm doing The Hullaballoo variety hour at UCB Sunset as part of a Shia LaBeouf improvised musical. I'll be utilizing my vast (useless) knowledge of WWII as I interact with other notable Shia movie characters which should be real weird. If you're around, you should pop over and check it out.
March 25th. 7pm. UCB Sunset. $5.

Ugh, Another Blog

I know, I'm thinking the same thing; ANOTHER blog to maintain. I can't promise I'm going to change your life here, but I can promise I'll keep this somewhat updated with important showbiz stuff.

That being said, I'm auditioning for the Montreal Just For Laughs comedy festival on Wednesday, March 18th. I'll be debuting some new characters and getting real weird. I made it to the LA callback round last year, and am hoping to do well and have fun again this year.

Check the Live Shows page for details. Should be fun.