Hot Tracks
L to R: Moore, Grizzly Man

L to R: Moore, Grizzly Man

If you hate reading but love my voice, you're in luck because Robert and I began laying down tracks for the audio book version of Adult Stuff.

While I believe the book is already a good read, the audio book will bring another level as we get to hit the jokes as intended. I think you'll dig it.

Plus you get listen to Robert reading about things like "fine dining" while he looks like THAT!

Matt MooreComment
Adult Stuff Promos

As we lead up to the April 5th release of my book Adult Stuff, I've been creating a series of quotes with graphics to help promote the book on social media. What started out as a silly idea, has turned into some A-Ok design work.

Not too bad for an out of practice ex-designer. More to come as the date nears!

Matt MooreComment
Adult Stuff available for pre-order on Amazon!

Holy crap! Adult Stuff is available for pre-order on Amazon! We also have our official market release date for April 5th. Robert and I are both real excited to get this baby out in stores.

Even though I wrote the dumb thing, I still laughed out loud when I read the final draft before it went to the publisher. There is also a lot of good advice that I find myself following when I'm facing high expectations in adult situations. 

I apologize in advance, because I am going to talk about this non-stop until the release. Sorry and BUY MY BOOK!

Matt MooreComment

Meanwhile at The Grove: a confused child wanders into the bit for a closer look. 

Matt Moore Comment
Magic! Mirror!
Magic Mirror goes electric.

Magic Mirror goes electric.

Our Robert & The Magic Mirror UCB Spank! was a solid success Monday night. Despite a traditionally unfavorable time for comedy (5:30pm on a Monday), we had a pretty great turn out. I also debuted the updated LED version of the Magic Mirror costume which was a dream of mine since it's initial inception years ago.

L to R: Jeff, Dan, Mirror, Roberto, & Jarret.

We were joined on stage by my pals from the band CityCity to serve as musical accompaniment and Renee Colvert rounding out the cast to make it a very fun, very friendly show of which I was quite proud.  Comedy is fun, but it's always more so when you get to work with fun people. Thanks everyone.

I'll keep you posted on more Mirror goings-ons as they develop.


Matt Moore Comment
It's BACK!

poster by the far too talented

Robert & The Magic Mirror is making it's highly anticipated (depending on who you ask) return!
We'll be running a new and improved episode of Deep Space Nein! directed by Becky Feldman. This show's got it all: Robert, the Magic Mirror, creepy Richard Branson, and a sassy super computer. Featuring live musical accompaniment from our pals in CityCity.
Come see our Spank show.
Monday, June 22nd. 5:30pm. UCB Sunset.

Matt MooreComment
JFL Showcase FINAL

GOOD NEWS: I've made it to the finals of the LA Just For Laughs New Faces character showcase. After my preliminary audition in March, this is the final where I'll be going for a shot to perform at the festival in Montreal. This will be my second straight trip to the finals, so fingers crossed.

The show is Monday, May 11th at 5:00pm at iO West, Hollywood.

5pm is an early slot for comedy, but if you're free please come check it out. As it's a final, it should be a solid group of performers.

Matt MooreComment
Professional Business Professional

The wonderful Natalia Rinder recently humored my desire for "Professional Business Professional" photos with this series of ridiculous shots. Good thing too, because if I ever need bus stop ads for a real estate company, injury law firm, or political campaign, I'm officially covered.

Check out Natalia's stuff at!

Matt Moore Comment

On Wednesday I'm doing The Hullaballoo variety hour at UCB Sunset as part of a Shia LaBeouf improvised musical. I'll be utilizing my vast (useless) knowledge of WWII as I interact with other notable Shia movie characters which should be real weird. If you're around, you should pop over and check it out.
March 25th. 7pm. UCB Sunset. $5.

Ugh, Another Blog

I know, I'm thinking the same thing; ANOTHER blog to maintain. I can't promise I'm going to change your life here, but I can promise I'll keep this somewhat updated with important showbiz stuff.

That being said, I'm auditioning for the Montreal Just For Laughs comedy festival on Wednesday, March 18th. I'll be debuting some new characters and getting real weird. I made it to the LA callback round last year, and am hoping to do well and have fun again this year.

Check the Live Shows page for details. Should be fun.